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Miri Korbman
Mar 18, 20226 min read
Tzav: Leave the Light On - the Eish Tamid and Mood-Dependent Behavior
One of the ways in which my patients (and I) tend to get stuck most often is in the notion that productivity, achievement, and...

Miri Korbman
Mar 9, 20227 min read
Parshas Zachor: The Enemy of Joy
The forecast for shul this week is: crowded. This is because it is the week before Purim, also known as Shabbos Parshas Zachor, when we...

Miri Korbman
Mar 7, 20225 min read
Vayikra: The Power of the Pause
One of the things that my close friends often affectionately tease me about is my inability to stay in one place for long. In the past...

Miri Korbman
Mar 3, 20225 min read
Pekudei: Parts of a Whole
If you are interested in Torah trivia, you’re likely familiar with this Yedios Klaliyos question: Who was the primary architect for the...

Miri Korbman
Feb 16, 20226 min read
Ki Sisa: On Making Repairs
Imagine the following scenario: Little Johnny has had a rough day. He’s sitting in the playroom building a Lego tower when his little...

Miri Korbman
Feb 9, 20226 min read
Tetzaveh: Comfort vs. Growth
There is a difference of opinion in psychology regarding the degree to which hardship and adversity are healthy or perhaps even necessary...

Miri Korbman
Feb 2, 20226 min read
Terumah: The Other 167 Hours
Parshas Terumah outlines the instructions for building the Mishkan, including all the materials used for each of its holy vessels. When...

Miri Korbman
Jan 27, 20226 min read
Mishpatim: Obedience and Responsibility
Parshas Mishpatim opens with the laws pertaining to Jewish slaves. The Pasuk (Shemos 21:2) writes that if one acquires an Eved Ivri...

Miri Korbman
Jan 19, 20226 min read
Yisro: Coveting and Cognitive Theory
Parshas Yisro features the first of two listings of the Aseres HaDribros, the Ten Commandments (Shemos 20:1-14). Each Dibrah highlights a...

Miri Korbman
Jul 23, 20216 min read
Devarim and the Nine Days: Knowing What We Want
Question: How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: One, but the light bulb has to want to change. This oft-quoted...

Miri Korbman
Jul 16, 20216 min read
Matos-Maasei: Revenge Reimagined
Vengeance is timeless and intrinsically human, threading its way through classical literature, theater, science, and history. The desire...

Miri Korbman
Jul 15, 20216 min read
Devarim: The Danger of Projection
Parshas Devarim features the beginning of Moshe’s account to the Jewish people of the past forty years in the desert, as they stand...

Miri Korbman
Jul 8, 20216 min read
Matos-Maasei: Mapping It Out
One of the numerous possible benefits and goals of therapy is the opportunity for people to reflect on their lives from multiple angles...

Miri Korbman
May 27, 20216 min read
Behaaloscha: Never Let Up
One of the greatest joys and focal points of my adolescence was my involvement in Yeshiva League sports. Though I was primarily a...

Miri Korbman
Mar 3, 20214 min read
Tetzaveh: Dressed to Impress
When I attended my first graduate school interview, I was not wearing a blazer. Now, this might not come as a shock to those who know me...

Miri Korbman
Feb 18, 20215 min read
Teruma: Building Mastery
I spent two and a half days this week immersed in a world I’ve remained blissfully ignorant of for almost three decades. Moving this week...

Miri Korbman
Feb 11, 20216 min read
Mishpatim: Empathy in Action
Following the fanfare of the lights and sounds show of Matan Torah in last week’s Parsha, Parshas Mishpatim reads almost like the fine...

Feb 7, 20217 min read
Freedom to Choose in the Absence of Alternatives Although I was born the week of Parshas Bo, not Beshalach, I always felt a particularly...

Miri Korbman
Feb 4, 20216 min read
Yisro: A Critical Difference
One of the most harmful myths that many of us buy into is that criticism is an effective form of motivation for change. All too often,...

Miri Korbman
Jan 28, 20217 min read
Beshalach: What Feelings Sound Like
Although I was born the week of Parshas Bo, not Beshalach, I always felt a particularly strong kinship with my biblical as well as...
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