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Miri Korbman
Jan 1, 20216 min read
Vayechi: A Matter of Life and Death
Mortality is one of the greatest fears and woes of every living being. From the moment we are born, we instinctually know that our time...

Miri Korbman
Dec 23, 20205 min read
Vayigash: More than Saying Sorry
Forgiveness is both a powerful tool and complicated enterprise in promoting interpersonal connection and psychological wellbeing. Step...

Miri Korbman
Dec 16, 20206 min read
Mikeitz: Forget Me Not
Forgetting is a fascinating human phenomenon. There are multiple areas of the brain responsible for memory, and there are different kinds...

Miri Korbman
Dec 10, 20205 min read
Vayeishev: Don't Settle
There is a troubling Rashi at the beginning of this week’s Parsha that, when explored in depth, reveals an important spiritual lesson and...

Miri Korbman
Dec 3, 20205 min read
Vayishlach: On Being Alone
In July 2014, a series of experiments conducted by Dr. Timothy Wilson and his colleagues at University of Virginia and Harvard were...

Miri Korbman
Nov 26, 20206 min read
Vayeitzei: Pausing in the Pandemonium
There are many ways to learn and gain inspiration from the Torah text, and assessing the structure and textual architecture of the...

Miri Korbman
Nov 19, 20206 min read
Toldos: Personality Wise
Personality psychology has garnered much attention in the last few decades. As part of understanding humanity and the characteristics...

Miri Korbman
Nov 13, 20206 min read
Chayei Sara: Loss and Legacy
In the last week, the Jewish community suffered two gargantuan losses with the passing of HaRav Dovid Feinstein z”l and Rabbi Lord...

Miri Korbman
Nov 4, 20205 min read
Vayera: Response Ability
In March 1964, the assault and murder of a young woman named Kitty Genovese sparked horror and outrage when the New York Times reported...

Miri Korbman
Oct 29, 20205 min read
Lech Lecha: Boundaries and Benevolence
A quick search for the term “boundaries” in Psychology Today will yield 7,943 blog posts and 229 articles all discussing this important...

Miri Korbman
Oct 22, 20207 min read
Noach: A Righteous Man of the Earth
Like many characters in Tanach, Noach is singularly righteous and enigmatic. Often, in the descriptions of Biblical personalities, it is...

Miri Korbman
Oct 15, 20205 min read
Bereishis: Where We Are and How We Got Here
Understanding and analyzing the pathways of human behavior is a focal point of both research and practice and allows patients,...

Miri Korbman
Jan 2, 20205 min read
The Siyum HaShas and Parshas Vayigash: Preparing the Way, One Step at a Time
This week, Klal Yisrael celebrated a tremendous milestone in Torah learning and spiritual growth with the 13th global Siyum HaSas, which...

Miri Korbman
Dec 25, 20195 min read
Chanukah and Parshas Mikeitz: Hanging off the Cliff
In a famous experiment known as the marshmallow challenge, psychologists gathered child participants and placed marshmallows in front of...

Miri Korbman
Dec 18, 20196 min read
Vayeishev: A Tale of Two Talismans
The power of one’s environment in influencing one’s values, thoughts, and actions has been demonstrated time and again through countless...

Miri Korbman
Dec 11, 20194 min read
Vayishlach: Going Back to Move Forward
One of the unique and beautiful characteristics of Jewish life is in how our traditions honor and commemorate the past. Each year, we...

Miri Korbman
Dec 5, 20195 min read
Vayeitzei: Master the Art of Silence
In what has to be the original biblical archetype for tragic love stories, Parshas Va’Yeitzei poignantly recounts how Yaakov escaped to...

Miri Korbman
Nov 17, 20197 min read
Toldos: Sublimation and Seeing Red
In this week’s Parsha, we are introduced to one of the most famous sets of twins in world history, Eisav and Yaakov. The Pasuk (25:25)...

Miri Korbman
Nov 15, 20194 min read
Chayei Sara: Living on a Prayer
In the field of psychology, prayer is one of the most commonly cited connections between religion/spirituality and mental health. When...

Miri Korbman
Nov 12, 20194 min read
Vayera: Not a Laughing Matter
In this week’s Parsha, we learn about what might as well be known as the “laugh heard around the world.” Three angels disguised as desert...
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