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Miri Korbman
Jul 16, 20194 min read
Balak: Imagine That
If you have ever played competitive sports, you’ll know about the power of visualization. As both a former player and coach, I know that...

Miri Korbman
Jul 11, 20194 min read
Chukas: Why is the Cow Red? Balancing Curiosity with Acceptance
The following dialogue likely sounds familiar to most of us. “Sweetie, please go wash your hands.” “Why, Mommy?” “Because it’s...

Miri Korbman
Jul 8, 20195 min read
Shiva Assar B'Tammuz: Chipping Away
The nature of the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors has been the subject of much debate in psychology. The...

Miri Korbman
Jul 3, 20194 min read
Korach: Under the Influence
In 1951, social psychologist Solomon Asch designed an experiment about peer pressure, leadership, and conformity. Asch presented groups...

Miri Korbman
Jun 26, 20195 min read
Shelach: Perception is Everything
The sin of the spies is, perhaps, one of the most troubling and terrible events in Jewish history, with far-reaching consequences. As a...

Miri Korbman
Jun 20, 20194 min read
Behaaloscha: Raising Flames, Kindling Souls
Parents and educators are constantly debating the best, most appropriate, and most effective ways to inspire, teach, and guide their...

Miri Korbman
Jun 13, 20196 min read
Naso: Spin Class, Sotah, and Sacrifices
A friend of mine recently started attending spin classes at an Equinox gym. To her surprise, this class featured inter-cycler...
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