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Miri Korbman
Sep 23, 20224 min read
Rosh Hashana: Your Majesty
Over the past two weeks, the world has been consumed with talk about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest living sovereign and...
Miri Korbman
Sep 15, 20226 min read
Parshas Ki Savo: How Happiness Happens
At the start of therapy, I ask all my patients some version of the same question: “In six months from now, if therapy were useful, what...
Miri Korbman
Sep 8, 20227 min read
Parshas Ki Seitzei: More than a Good Samaritan
The field of social psychology has long been preoccupied with the patterns, mechanisms, and contributing factors of prosocial behavior....
Miri Korbman
Sep 2, 20226 min read
Parshas Shoftim: Of Feelings and Fugitives
When considering the manifold ways in which Torah and psychology intersect, an obvious area of exploration is that of the Torah’s...
Miri Korbman
Aug 26, 20226 min read
Parshas Re’eh: Daring to Choose
This week’s Parsha begins with a slightly enigmatic set of Pesukim. In preparing Bnei Yisrael to enter Eretz Yisrael, Moshe warns them,...
Miri Korbman
Aug 18, 20226 min read
Parshas Eikev: What G-d Wants
As G-d-fearing Jews striving to live righteous and spiritually connected lives, we have likely all had a moment of struggle, confusion,...
Miri Korbman
Aug 12, 20227 min read
Parshas Va’eschanan & Shabbos Nachamu: Radical Acceptance
So here we are, folks. Another year, another Tisha B’Av come and gone. We’ve fasted, we’ve cried, we’ve davened our hearts out. We’ve...
Miri Korbman
Aug 4, 20229 min read
Tisha B’Av & Counter Conditioning: A Message from the Tisha B’Av Lady
If you’ve taken an introductory psychology course, you’ll know all about Pavlov’s dogs and Watson’s studies with Little Albert. Russian...
Miri Korbman
Jul 28, 20226 min read
Parshas Matos-Maasei: Input and Output
As human beings, one of the things that differentiates us most from other living creatures is our ability to communicate with speech....
Miri Korbman
Jul 20, 20227 min read
Parshas Pinchas & The Three Weeks: Inherent or Inherited?
In recent years, more attention than ever has been directed toward understanding intergenerational trauma, or the degree to which the...
Miri Korbman
Jul 14, 20226 min read
Parshas Balak: Dwelling in Difference
One of the many reasons that people come to therapy is to get an outsider’s perspective on a critically important or emotionally charged...
Miri Korbman
Jul 6, 20226 min read
Parshas Chukas: Vulnerability Factors
Parshas Chukas features one of the saddest dramas of Moshe Rabbeinu’s life. Bnei Yisrael come to Kadesh and camp there, and Miriam dies....
Miri Korbman
Jun 29, 20225 min read
Parshas Korach: The Root of Rebellion
The annals of history highlight the significant role of rebellion and revolution in changing and influencing the fates of empires....
Miri Korbman
Jun 23, 20227 min read
Parshas Shelach: Show, Don’t Tell
Have you ever reread a book or re-watched a movie and known all along how it ends? When you do, have you ever watched the main character...
Miri Korbman
Jun 14, 20225 min read
Parshas Behaaloscha: Overcoming Negativity Bias
Perhaps the holiest generation of Jews, the Dor HaMidbar, infamously tested Hashem ten times over the course of their forty-year sojourn...
Miri Korbman
Jun 9, 20227 min read
Parshas Naso: The Nazir and the Harm Reduction Approach
People come to therapy for various reasons and through different avenues, but a common thread is that they wish to improve their overall...
Miri Korbman
Jun 2, 20229 min read
Shavuos and Parshas Bamidbar: A Reader
The holiday of Shavuos, known as Zman Matan Toraseinu, commemorates Maamad Har Sinai, when all of Klal Yisrael heard Hashem’s voice, saw...
Elisabeth Gross
Mar 24, 20224 min read
Sefer Ohel Rochel, Week 3
In this week’s shiur, we explored the concept of our shaaninut, tranquility and stability, as an anchor which we find through chaim, life...
Elisabeth Gross
Mar 24, 20224 min read
Sefer Ohel Rochel, Week 2
In this week’s shiur, we aimed to begin to answer the question, who are women? Who did Hashem create us to be? And what unique strengths...
Miri Korbman
Mar 23, 20227 min read
Shemini: The Right Thing at the Right Time
On the eighth day of the inauguration of the Mishkan, a day replete with celebration and immense joy, tragedy strikes. Nadav and Avihu,...
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